Read on about our packed week and a new comic series!

You can check the latest edition of Tuxedo Times with the .tuxedotimes command!

—◊ Weekly Maxes and Averages ◊—

—◊ Maxes ◊—

AUSIA: 35 (2⇑)
EU: 30 (2⇓)
US: 29 (-)

—◊ Averages ◊—

AUSIA: 25 (4⇓)
EU: 25 (3⇓)
US: 27 (1⇓)
Total: 25 (3⇓)

—◊ Weekly News ◊—

The Scavenger Hunt Contest has come to an end with 23 participants winning the Musical Mastermind role! Find the answers to each day’s riddles here. Then, the Contests Team announced their new Meme Contest! If you’re interested in taking part, read all the details about it here. Submissions close on September 25th, best of luck!

On Wednesday we said goodbye to former Lieutenant General Eskild who retired from his position as Officer. For all the hard work he put in during his time as staff, Esk has received the title of RPF Veteran. Enjoy retirement, we will miss you!

This week’s Troop of the Week is NoScope555! They’ve been in RPF for over two years and have recently been setting a great example for fellow troops by recruiting and attending lots of events. Be sure to congratulate NoScope when you see them in chat!

The Rebel Broadcast Team released the first part of Behind the Emote: Officers. Check out the post to see what some of our former and current officers’ favorite emotes are!

—◊ By the Numbers ◊—

How many rebels got promoted this week?

With a total of 17 new promotions, there were…

2 Colonels
1 Lieutenant Colonel
1 Major
3 Captains
3 Lieutenants
1 Specialist
1 Sergeant
2 Lance Corporals
3 Private First Classes

How many times were our new emotes used?

This week we added two new animated emotes; rpfwiggle and rpfwizard! Since they’ve been added, they’ve been used 49 and 19 times respectively!

How many messages has FredBoat sent?

This week the FredBoat bot was added to replace Rythm and Rythm2, which have both unfortunately shut down. Since FredBoat has joined, it has sent only 38 messages!

—◊ Weekly Comic ◊—

First edition of the story is done! Ever wanted to see PPC’s recent Retro Rebels story, but with pictures? Look no further, this story still will hold PPC’s original story, however I have added some more details in the rebel’s journey throughout time. So definitely stick around to see what our fellow rebels have to endure to save RPF! -Coric

Click here to see Part 2 of Coric’s Retro Rebels comic series!

—◊ Challenge of the Week ◊—

For this challenge of the week, Avril has created a sliding puzzle featuring the upcoming Fair party!

DM z3ming#4444 on Discord the solved sliding puzzle for a prize of 1000 Rebel Cash!

—◊ Division Recap ◊—

—◊ Sunday ◊—


Max: 26

With mascots not visiting the past week, HCOM decided to dress up as Mascots to get Troops’ adrenaline pumping. Thankfully, Sunday’s EU/US Operation: Mascots Sighting event was a success! Twenty-six rebels came together for this twist in a classic game of hide and seek. Find out who emerged victorious – did HCOM manage to stay hidden or did troops manage to find them all?

Click here for the full report!

—◊ Tuesday ◊—


Max: 23

To begin our Tuesday we logged onto Zipline for Operation: Power Puff Penguins! In this AUSIA event rebels dressed up as any of the three Power Puff girls! From Blossom to Bubbles or Buttercup, rebels got a chance to be creative. We performed some adorable tactics and forms together and had a blast! Make sure to check out the post below for the details.

Click here for the full report!


Max: 27
Avg: 26

To finish off our Tuesday we logged onto Abominable for Operation: Greasers Vs Surfers. In this US event rebels wore skater or surfer outfits! We showed off our swag tactics and had a blast! Thank you to Coric for coming up with this idea from the most recent event contest. Make sure to check out the post below to see all of the epic tricks!

Click here for the full report!

—◊ Wednesday ◊—


Max: 24

Who says Wednesday can’t be sweet and fun? We proved that statement wrong!  For Wednesday’s EU event, we logged onto Zipline for Operation: Candy Concoction. We had a Candy Pizzatron tournament, for a little sweet mixup with our candied tactics and sugar-coated formations; before wrapping it up in a confectionery tournament! Check out the post below to see who was the crusher of the candies! 

Click here for the full report!

—◊ Thursday ◊—


Max: 21
Avg: 20

We logged onto Zipline in animal costumes for Thursday’s AUSIA event, Operation: Party Animals. Twenty one rebels were spotted hopping, prancing and galloping around the town and stadium making s-pet-acular forms and doing a-moo-sing tactics. It was axolotl of fun, I’m not lion! Whale, if you’d like to read more about this event, do check out the link below!

Click here for the full report!


Max: 30
Avg: 26

For Thursday’s EU event, Operation: School Spirit, we dressed as our favourite school subjects! Thirty rebels showed up to take attendance at Zipline. Our educated penguins displayed first class tactics and sharp formation-making faculties in this A+ s-cool event. You can find more detailed notes on the event  in the post below!

Click here for the full report!

—◊ Friday ◊—


Max: 29
Avg: 27

For Friday’s US event, we logged onto Ascent, for a magical Operation: Wicked Witchcraft! We wore our most enchanted wizardly outfits as we invaded Iceland, a part of our USRPF mission. We disproved laws of physics with our impossible feats, with our spellbinding tactics and bewitched formations! Check out the post below to see more wizardry shenanigans! 

Click here for the full report!

—◊ Saturday ◊—


Max: 35
Avg: 31

For Saturday’s AUSIA, the rebels logged onto Zipline, for Operation: Crab Chaos, as something fishy is going on… That’s beclaws we have our crab costumes on! We decided to crab dance all over the island with our crabulous formations and tactics! To read more about the crabby event, be sure to check out the post below!

Click here for the full report!


Max: 23

For Saturday’s EU event, Operation: Galactic Showdown, we decided to join our allies the Ice Warriors at Crystal for a fun BIA branch battle! We used the BIA teams, Team Mercury and Team Venus, instead of our usual Air force and Navy! Both sides displayed their lightning fast tactics and pinpoint forms, giving it their best out in the field! Team Mercury and Team Venus have both fought really hard, so the results have ended in a tie! Make sure to check the full post below to read more about the branch battle!

Click here for the full report!

-Tuxedo Times Team: Avril, mars, Coric, Bubbles, Guinz, EmeraldGreen, pinkpop, princhi and z3ming

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