With the Ausia Arena tournament in full swing, see how we prepared and did in the first rounds!

You can check the latest edition of Tuxedo Times with the .tuxedotimes command!

—◊ Weekly Maxes and Averages ◊—

—◊ Maxes ◊—

AUSIA: 50 (21)
EU: 44 (11)
US: 32 (2)

—◊ Averages ◊—

AUSIA: 32 (6)
EU: 36 (7)
US: 30 (4)
Total: 33 (3)

—◊ Weekly News ◊—

The Contests Team unveiled a new exciting Igloo Contest! Find everything you need to know here and enter for a chance to win the Igloo Innovator role as well as Rebel Cash! Along with this announcement, they shared the results of the Pirate Scavenger Hunt which you can check out here.

This week’s Troop of the Week is Shpec! Famous for being Bean Sock’s #1 ambassador, he never fails to make people squirm and laugh in chat and has been climbing the ranks steadily ever since joining. Make sure you congratulate Shpec when you see him!

The Rebel Broadcast Team released 3 posts this week. Starting with a new issue of their Pet Column, meet Jen’s adorable husky and Nooza’s stylish cats! Then, read the latest Troop Interviews featuring some of our recent TOTWs and our newest Third in Commands. Lastly, in this edition of Rebel Rewind, the team briefly recaps the May 2021 AUSIA Week.

—◊ By the Numbers ◊—

How many rebels got promoted this week?

With a total of 9 new promotions, there were…

Brigadier General

How many times was the .rpfvictory command used?

This week, leading up to our semifinal battle against the Templars, the .rpfvictory command was used in #main-chat 24 times, to make sure everybody knows that east or west, RPF is the best.

How many times did Shellbeard visit?

Throughout CPRewritten’s Pirate Party, the new mascot, Shellbeard, visited the island 9 times!

—◊ Weekly Comic ◊—

—◊ Challenge of the Week ◊—

For this challenge of the week, Avril has created an Ausia Arena-themed maze! The battle starts soon, find your way to the arena and help us win.

DM princhi#2000 on Discord the solved maze for a prize of 1000 Rebel Cash!

—◊ Division Recap ◊—

—◊ Sunday ◊—


Max: 44

Ahoy Rebels! Hope ye got your swords sharpened for our EU event, Operation: Broadside Volley, as we wore our eyepatches and proudly walked around Abominable. Our sea chanting tactics coupled with our ship-like forms definitely washed everyone away. For more on how this pirate event went, do check out the link below! 

Click here for the full report!

—◊ Tuesday ◊—


Max: 20

For this event, Operation: Under The Sea, we went around Zipline dressing up as characters from the movie The Little Mermaid! Rebels did an amazing job representing characters and showed some amazing tactics and formations for this training event! For more info about it, check out the link below!

Click here for the full report!


Max: 32
Avg: 30

Today, we saved Princess Peach for our Mario-themed event called Operation: It’s-a Me Mario! Rebel’s dressed up as characters from Mario and powered up with amazing tactics and formations on Abominable! Definitely was a fun event! Be sure to check the link below for more!

Click here for the full report!

—◊ Wednesday ◊—


Max: 30
Avg: 28

For today’s event, we held an Arctic Ops remembrance event called Operation: Arctic Ops. The rebels put on their swaggy white parkas and waddled up to Abominable to perform some nice tactics and formations. Check out the post below for more pictures of the event!

Click here for the full report!

—◊ Thursday ◊—


Max: 28
Avg: 26

This event, Operation: BIA Showdown, was an epic practice battle with the Ice Warriors. We assembled at Abominable in uniform for this event. Both armies performed excellent tactics and formations! It was the perfect preparation for our next (and soon approaching) Ausia Arena battle! Read more about this friendly showdown in the link below!

Click here for the full report!


Max: 37
Avg: 35

This very cool event, Operation: Bean Bonanza, featured a hefty number of rebel bean enthusiasts gathering at Abominable. We dressed in all brown as per the exterior of a bean. Parading in our beanwear we chanted well-beaning tactics and executed leguminous formations! Read more about this cool bean event in the link below!

Click here for the full report!

—◊ Friday ◊—


Max: 30

Hey, rebels! For today’s event, we logged onto Abominable for an ice fishing tournament! For Operation: Reel It In, we wore our uniforms before competing in an intense competition of ice fishing! Thank you everyone for participating and a special congratulation to our winner! For more information check out the post below!

Click here for the full report!

—◊ Saturday ◊—


Max: 50

For the Ausia Arena Semifinals, we make a stop at Abominable to clash against the rival TCP to see who will advance to the finals. We arrive strapped in our RPF uniforms ready to take on the knights in this high-stakes battle! Both sides unleashed the wrath of their war-cry tactics and defensive forms to see who can emerge as the victor! After both sides finished with their best efforts in fighting, RPF dominated the competition with a 3-0 victory! Amazing work today Rebels, all your efforts in RAHing have been put to good use! Be sure to get ready for our Final Ausia Arena battle, as well as make sure to check up on our post below to read more about this battle!

Click here for the full report!

-Tuxedo Times Team: Avril, Sharki04, yo gal, Coric, Bubbles, Guinz, EmeraldGreen, pinkpop, princhi and z3ming

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