Hard to believe that it has been one year since the Revival of Rebel Broadcast Team! Over the course of the last year, the team has put out numerous posts and polls featuring interviews and content from many troops, staff members, and veterans. Keep reading below as we take a look back at the last year of RBT!

On August 8th, 2020, Rebel Commander crazzy would put out a special announcement that she would be reviving the Rebels New Media along with Second In Command moon, creating the current Rebel Broadcast Team.

With the rebirth of RBT, two familiar columns would be revived, each previously a part of the Rebel News Media: Troop Interviews & Art Column.

Troop Interviews

Troop Interviews are one of our oldest columns in RBT! Surprisingly, the first issue after the revival was the 45th Issue, with Troop Interviews officially starting in 2018! Over the course of the past year, the team has put out 27 issues. Every issue, a team of interviews from the team ask a set of unique questions to every interviewee with interviewees ranging from troops, officers, HCOM, and even veterans! Feel free to check out the first Troop Interview here!

Art Column

Another of our oldest columns, the Art Column showcases weekly works of art from our #art channel! Our first issue after the revival was the third issue and since then 32 issues have been published. The Art Column team weekly posts RPF/CPR Artwork, art based on a theme of the week, as well as a featured artist! We’ve seen work from RPF members and veterans as well as some work featuring our wonderful allies from other armies! Check out the first issue here!

Following the institution of these weekly columns, more columns would emerge as well as a few series and stand-alone posts! The institution of polls would also happen soon.


One of our newly introduced columns was the Recaps. With these posts not as common, the writers of these posts looked back at events, battles, Party Planning Committee weeks, seasons, and even entire years! Our first post shown here was the first of 19 recap posts! Our most popular recaps have been the 10 battle reviews taking a look at every major tournament or practice battle in detail!

More Columns – Rebel Rewind, Memes, Pets, Behind The…

In addition to our Troop Interviews and Art Column, more weekly/monthly pieces would emerge showcasing repeated issues featuring similar themes! First amongst this group was Rebel Rewind, the history column which recapped moments in RPF’s history from the start of RPF to as recent as last year, with 9 issues of the column and 3 being Throwback Thursday posts. Our Meme Column, boasting 7 issues featured monthly, takes a look back at trends, funny moments, as well as memes from the #memes channel! Following the formation of the #pets channel, the Pet Column would emerge with 5 issues, each interviewing a few RPF members’ pets! Our final addition would be the Behind The… series taking a look at the names, profile pictures, and favorite emotes of staff members!


After the team put out a few posts, on September 1st, 2020, polls were announced along with a new free role! (This role is still available so feel free to ask any HCOM or Officer for this role.) Shoutout to former Officer Chaos for suggesting the idea! Polls would allow interaction from the members through its weekly questions and would you rather. Starting originally in the #rebel-broadcast channel, in March of this year, the polls would eventually move to its own channel, #polls. In one year, we have had 62 polls hosted by a variety of poll masters. 38 of the polls have been posted by former Officer Jacquardio.


Over the last year, RBT has put a total of 105 posts!

While we were not able to detail every single post, there are a few individual posts that would be worth bringing into the light! One post written recently, by Generals Mars and Yvng Baller, is our Pride Story Spotlight, looking into the stories of a few of the LGBTQ+ members in RPF! Another unique post was an editorial over from last year, which looked into the growth of RPF to 10,000 Members from the perspective of former Officer Jacquardio!

I got a chance to ask the past and current leaders the following question:

What is your favorite post that was written by the team or that you have worked on and what do you enjoy about it?
crazzy: I really enjoyed the summer 2020 recap post that Rocket worked on. It was a group effort at first, trying to outline all the important milestones we reached last year, but Rocket did great putting it all together. It was nice looking back and acknowledging all the amazing things RPF accomplished that summer. Aside from that, I enjoyed writing the PPC-themed week review posts for the same reason as Rocket’s summer recap. They’re nice sentimental posts that give readers a chance to step back and appreciate how much fun we all had.
moon: One of my favorite RBT posts is the first art column we posted on the channel, that was extremely well written by former staff and now rpf veteran, rane. I’ve always enjoyed how put together RBT’s art columns are, but this one brings a stronger sense of nostalgia because of how relieved and proud I was to see RBT starting off so smoothly. RPF staff is incredibly creative, so it could sometimes be overwhelming to organize all our ideas into posts. It also features a great and funny memory crazzy and I share of hanging out on vc with others while making edits out of my kirby profile picture.
My favorite RBT column is the meme column, so of course my other favorite post of the team has to be our first ever meme column edition. This was one of the projects I was most excited for, it was unfortunately pushed back for a long time due to other posts we needed to work on at the time. It was always fun to help Mars and Yoda come up with ideas for what to include in each edition, and also to make a format that would work well for the column. I was very happy with the results and how much people enjoyed their read, it’s a dope way to make everybody feel included on RPF’s inside jokes if they’ve missed it.
brenatto: super biased towards two of my stand-alone posts – the hall of fame interviews and the rebels through the looking glass review. they were really fun to work on (shoutout to yvng & eskild for helping on the first), and I think they brought a unique flavor to RBT content! otherwise, I was a big fan of that pride story spotlight yvng & mars worked on; I enjoyed reading everyone’s stories and the post came out well!
Yodabobobo (haha that’s me): I think one of my favorite posts that I enjoyed working on was Rebel Rewind: The RPF Uniform. I wrote this as a Lieu Gen and basically took a look back into how the main RPF uniform and Branch Uniforms changed over time. I liked looking back through the old RPF site as well as archives to try and dig up all the information and compile it into a nice post. Also, I loved working on this particular post that you are reading. Going through old posts and gathering up stats of each type was pretty fun! It feels good representing the whole last year of RBT in post.

Before we say goodbye, I’d like to take a quick moment to thank all of the current and past writers of the team for their hard work: crazzy, moon, brenatto, Yodabobobo, Cracked, jaeun, mars, yas, Yvng Baller, EskildXIX, ordeP, Guinz, sarah, Rane, Royal, Rocket, Chaos, Cosmo, Jacquardio, YipYorp, sharki04, Ash🌸, reeeeee, and rosiee

It has been a privilege working with this hardworking Rebel News Media Team! Over the last few months, I’ve enjoyed putting out a few posts and working with some of the columns! It has been quite an eventful year for the RPF as well as the Rebel Broadcast Team! We hope you’ve enjoyed reading our articles and showing your opinions through our polls! Hope to see all of you in our next issue! Fight the Good Fight

Yodabobobo~Third in Command, Rebel Broadcast Team Writer

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